Monday, April 27, 2009

How to Get Over Past Regret

Even as if u felt lazy to read because is simply too long, you may scan it or even jz take a glance on the passage.hahaha~~

Anyway,here u go:

article frm : RICK WARREN

How often do you play the "IF ONLY" game?

IF only i could do it over again.

IF only i had listened sooner.

IF only I could erase the past.

IF only i could forgive myself.


The thing to remember is that no one is perfect.

We all have regrets;

we've all made bad choices, and said foolish things;

we've all wasted time, and hurt ourselves and others.

How do you release your regrets? In my experience as a pastor, i've seen several strategies we tend to use that simply do not work:

1. You try to bury your past.

But burying the past will never help you get past your regrets. You can try to minimize ("It wasn't a big deal") ,rationalize ("Everyone does it") and compromise (lowering standards), but your regrets are still there, and if unresolved, they'll keep coming back to haunt you and over again like a creature in a horror movie.

2. You blame others

This tactic is as old as Adam and Eve. When Adam sinned. He took it like a man: He blamed his wife! We use blame to balance out our guilt.

3. You beat up on myself

You try to ay for our guilt unconsiously through illness, depression, setting ourselves up for failure, and other forms of self-punishment. The problem with beating up on yourself is this: your conscience never knows when to stop!Some people spend their entire lives in self- condemnation.

So, are you dealing with ur past regrets in such ways?
Let's see what does God wants us to do with our regrets.
1. Admit Your guilt.
Own up to it. Don't make excuses.
"A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he get another chance." (Proverbs 28:13)
2. Accept Christ's forgiveness
He's waiting to clean your slate. Ask him to clear your conscience.
"There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1)
3. Forgive Yourself and focus on the future.
"Forget about what's happened;don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it?There it is!i'm making a road through desert in the badlands." (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Still grieving on your past?Come on,let's get over it by beholding god's words.
You can do it~

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